Bus Ride Nightmare

I was going back home from school in the bus. My school uniform was a navy blue sweater with a white polo t shirt underneath and short black skirt with black tights. I was maybe around 15-16 then and sat in the back of the bus. A man with his son walk inside and sit a few seats ahead of me, on the opposit side of the bus. I notice him glance back at me a couple of times and I start feeling uncomfortable. He turned around again, bending his back from his seat to look at my legs. In that moment I just felt fear, helplessness and confusion because nothing like this had ever happened before. I couldn’t speak, think, nothing. When my stop finally came I was so scared I left the bus from the end doors so I wouldn’t have to cross by him. When I got off and the bus started moving ahead, I saw this man look at me, wave, and smirk at me. I wanted to cry, I still remember feeling so scared that he’d follow me or smtg. I just wanted to cry. I never told my family about this because I just didn’t feel like I could. But I genuinely cried as I walked back home. Now when I think back about it, I feel so bad for the little boy, who I’m guessing was his son. He was so clueless and happy, with a kfc bucket in his hand all that time not knowing his dad was a pedophile.


  1. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, you must have been terrified :(

    I hope his son is safe from him..

  2. I was in the bus with my older sister just on the way to the grocery store to buy some food, and then I noticed this creepy looking man just staring, I noticed that he was um you know jerking while staring directly at me, my sister yelled at him and told the bus driver to do something about it but he just laughed and said " let him go on " and cackled, so did everyone else in the bus.

  3. I was around 12-15,I was on my way to the park on a bus with my bus ticket,I sat down and and old man sat next to me and took his phone out,he went to the camera and put his flash on,he took a picture of my underwear,then and 24-29 yr women came to the man and grabbed his phone and threw it out the bus window,that's how I got saved...12/20/20


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