Being Bullied for being different

i am a boy, i don't know if i am allowed to share my story but here it goes... i was 14 around that time and i lived in a very small town with lots of bullies. I used to play pokemon and i liked watching anime which my "friends" around that time found weird and basically they told everyone in my highschool that i watched it and from then on i get followed even out of school just to get picked on. I remember just one time a woman stood up to three of my classmates, she told them she was my aunty and she told me she also like watching anime and that i was cool for liking it. I have never shared this story with anyone before


  1. hope ure doing well

  2. You are allowed to share your story. :)

  3. There wasn't exactly bullied in this fashion, I was also bullied in school, by everyone including the teachers and the counselors.

  4. I was 14 for years the kids at my school would call me the f-slur and tell me to kill myself so I was used to it. But one day two kids sat at my table during class and chatted about me while I was right in front of them. “It’s funny how she’s so ugly compared to her sister” “yeah it’s probably because her sisters believes in god” “she should just kill herself” “hey —— we know you heard us” “just kill yourself or we will just do it for you” “yeah hire a hit man” “kill your self fa***t”
    I still remember crying in the locker room scared to death they they would kill me before I could do it myself.


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