Unnerving Encounter: Followed Home by Strangers

I was dropped off by my bus from school and I was walking home with my friend. We saw a car full of dudes drive by and they looked at us, we thought nothing of it then. We went our separate ways and I see the same car of grown men following me when I got to where I live. They made a bit of a vulgar comment before driving off. It made me uncomfortable and weary.


  1. THAT IS SO MESSED UP, Hope you are safe! 👏

  2. that is messed up! I hope your ok after that.

  3. That's crazy 😧 people nowaday are wierdd.. but hopefully U can recover from that and the lord will always be w U amen(p.s I love your willow vids I wish I had someone to care for me

  4. I hate this lol

  5. Hope they get what they deserve, jail time.

  6. Hope you are ok!

  7. Men (and girls) are creeps some are disgusting perverts no one deserves this not even bad people !

  8. People are messed up. But do whatever you want and don't let anyone stop you! There is always people there for you who cares<3

  9. Be safe next time please. That sounds terrifiying

  10. Once I was walking back from school when an old guy like 80-90 followed me and when I took a wrong turn into am alley way and tried to take my clothes off I was on my own and I was 8 yrs old and so I just froze he took my t shirt off and kissed my boots he tried taking my skirt off he some how did it I don't really remember what happened next except I was down with him onto of me I'm 12 now and I'm being homeschooled bc I'm terrified of going outside scariest experience ever

  11. Bro that's so messed up


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