The Weight of Neglect

In my house i’m not really allowed to wear leggings because my mom sees it as me trying to..”seduce my brothers and father”. But today she wasn’t here. So i wore them outside to go get mail. While walking i get a honk, and turn around. Some rando was trying to pull up in my driveway. “Hey honey! Come…yea no come here!” This man was not leaving and was extremely persistent. He looked like my uncle infact so i was walking up a lot closer to grab the mail. He began to grow impatient and honked even MORE. koko✩!🪴🍉 I got so scared😭I ran back into my house and told my older sisters about and they looked outside our upstairs window. Still there. After 2 minutes he left. But then came BACK and sat in our driveway for exactly 7 more minutes. koko✩!🪴🍉 I told my mom when she came home but IMMEDIATELY blamed it on me. “What the FUCK are you wearing? And you think it’s his fault?? Why did you even go outside to begin with?” After that she installed cameras but not for weirdos like him, but to watch us for what we do and wear:/


  1. I’m really sorry to hear that , we as woman and also man should be allowed to wear what ever we want with out any one criticizing us and telling us what we can and can not wear , and feeling comfortable in it with out a man/woman sexualizing anyone .


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