Tears of a Child

The nightmare started when my cousin (months younger than me) tried to convince me to take off my clothes for him (I was 5), this went on for years, but it got worse with touches and him trying to force me to have sex with him, The last time he tried I was 13, he just didn't succeed because I finally defended myself. A while later I found the courage to tell my mother and she just ignored it, it didn't make her happy or anything. Besides that, there was a time when I was at a friend's house and a very elderly uncle of hers who was sitting next to me simply took my hand and put it on his private parts, I never told her that. There were a lot of times that something like this happened but I'm just going to tell you those. thats it


  1. I’m sorry that happened. My older sister had experienced something similar and I just want you to know you’ll always have someone there. Even if no one might listen there others who will understand 🫢🏻

    1. thank you soo much for the suport, i appreciate that❤️

  2. When i was younger my moms friend was driving me to school like he normally would in the morning if she couldnt. He was always the closest thing to a dad I had then, but he pulled into a walmart parking lot and since it was early it was dark outside, i ask a few questions no response then he got on top of me and stuff happened. I still never told my mom. She wouldn't rlly care.

  3. I took a trip to mexico, it was for my 9th birthday. everything went well except the last few days i was there, i visited family from my cousins side and there was a man who kept looking at me weirdly, i tried to ignore it while i was sent to go retrieve something from one of the houses on the property. The man followed me into the house and sexually assaulted me. I managed to escape, crying. my aunt asked me what was wrong but i could only sit there and cry. when we got back to my grandma’s house from my moms side a few hours later i burst into tears and told my aunt everything. I still get flashbacks that remind me what his voice sounded like. I was just a little girl.


    Second to seventh grade I had to endure the abuse of my older brother, mentally and physically. It caused me to become a very troubled teen and maybe even a bad person who hurt others feelings because it was the only way to endure the brutal sexual and physical abuse I had to endure for years. For years he convinced me that we were the same, that if I spoke up I’d ruin my entire family ( I had divorced parents and was forced to live with my father because my mother was a drug addict when I was just a younger girl). My father was never the best either he was very emotionally abusive and as a little girl who only wanted his love and acceptance I suffered in silence. In the end when I spoke up it wasn’t for me. It was because I had gotten all Fs and my dad was threatening to hurt me because I let my grades slip gradually. I thought maybe speaking up would help me get out of that horrible situation ( my father is a man with very short temper). When I wrote a note to my favorite male teacher I finally got the help by my school. I cried and panicked knowing I had to face my father to tell him what happened so I asked if my sister could come inside. I down played the abuse because I was scared of being yelled at for not speaking up sooner. In the end my brother was never arrested or charged because I couldn’t explain what he was doing to the investor, I was scared to speak up, having to hide and act like everything was fine for years without letting anyone in was hard. I was scared of being treated like I was just some girl who wanted attention. I’m 20 now and live with that same sister who came to help the school explain to my dad what was happening. All the counseling and medications at the time never worked because I couldn’t let anyone in out of fear of it being used against me. I remember the day it was almost caught by my father and how the next morning when I was switching rooms to a farther part in the house he came to me when no one was around to show me photos of my sleeping body right before he sat naked on my chest to force himself onto me.

  5. I'm sorry for what happened too u I had something happen like that too me I remember feeling like a kid and doing the best I could do but the day I let this one 15 yr touch me I felt the worst (I was 11) I wish I could go back and instead of saying okay I should have never let it happen now I sit here and think about what I did with that guy and I hurted to say that I loved him when it wasn't really love so from me getting treated like a kid to me being the one who listens to my mother's problems still till this day I blame myself for my actions and now I'm always supposed to know what I do bc I'm more mature than then others

  6. I am traumatised by everyone's story

  7. I forgot to add that my mother did marry him. She never believed me and till this day she tries to turn my family on me. I blame myself every day for leaving my brother. I was the one who protected him… I get haunted by what I went through and sometimes feel like I’m worthless.

  8. 😨😱😨😒


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