
The amazing old man

Scary group of old men

A level in your game

Unwanted Pictures at the pool

Not Accepting Candy from a Stranger

Nice dog on the street

Beach Encounter

Grateful for the stranger

Old creepy man at the playground

Kisses by an old man

terrible bus experience

saw between my legs

The man that took pictures under my skirt *TW*

The old creep

He grabbed my hands

No one to trust

Creepy old city bus man

Attacked at school

molested by guy who was going to “take pictures”

Being Bullied for being different

Scary Pool Experience

There’s Nothing Funny about being SA’ed at a Comedy Show

Creepy Old Man Bus Encounter

Tense Encounter

Bus Ride Nightmare

Unexpected Savior

Scary Online Creep

Guardian on the Bus

Scary White Van

Bus creep touching my hair

Unnerving Encounter: Followed Home by Strangers

Unwanted Touch: A Terrifying Bus Encounter

A Terrifying Encounter on the Streets

The Nice Stranger at the Dog Park

A Frightening Grab

Stalked After Soccer: A Scary Walk Home

Guardian Angel at the Gas Station: A Runner's Tale of Caution

The Grocery Store Incident

Taking Pictures of My Under Skirt

Pictures From an Unwanted Crowd

we couldn't move out of fear

Creepy Stares

Creepy old man in CVS

Public Confrontation

The Bus Encounter *Creepy Stare*

The creepy bike man

The Dark Alley *TW*

Creepy bus person

Family Vacation

Bus Stalker

The Sad Situation Of Samyia Spain

The Bright Camera Flash Behind Me

The Weight of Neglect

Tears of a Child

School disco

My Own Grandfather *TW*

I can’t wear a bathing suit anymore.

homeless guy walking towards me

Random GIrl Who Protected Me

The Mall Incident

Online Creep

Side-walk flea

Random Old Man From Hell

I thought he was so cool and i could trust him *TW*

My Mother Lied

Halloween Experience

Walking With A Friend *TW*

School Experience *TW*

The Sleepover Trauma *TW*

Them. *TW*

Her Dog Protected Me

Bus incident *TW*

Bus incident

Walking Back Home in Middle School

Sad Park Experience

Almost Kidnapped

My Mother Hated Me

Painful Rejection Experience

Subway Train Incident

Crop Top Experience

Middle School Creepy Old Man Experience

A Wholesome Conversation About Dogs

We All Need A Dobby In Our Lives

The creepy bus man

They did not want girls skating

Navigating Parenthood Together

My Husbands Work Wife